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Friday, May 31, 2013

What's In Us Comes Out of Us

“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” -Luke 6:45

What are you filled up with?  The Bible says, “out of the heart the mouth speaks.”  What do our words and actions say about the condition of our hearts?

Sometimes hurtful things happen to us.  An event happens that triggers us back to an earlier negative situation.  Ouch, it still stings.  It’s an area that hasn’t been dealt with yet, perhaps an area of unforgiveness.  God uses our current situation to expose what’s in our heart. 

We work hard, striving to achieve everything that God has for us.  We forget to take time to relax, our Bible study/prayer time has grown short.  A co-worker asks us a question, and we snap back. Immediately we know we’re in the wrong – “how could I have said that?” The heart tank is on “E”. We need to get refueled again.

Our hearts, consisting of our mind, will, and emotions, (the soul), are the battleground of the triumph of good over evil in our lives.  Although our spirit-man has been redeemed, (John 3:16) our souls are being continually renewed.  We need to always recognize the state of our hearts, so we don’t fall victim to attack.  When we’ve worked hard and given our all, we need to allow ourselves to come to a place of refreshing.  When the battle has been difficult we need to seek God and allow Him to pour back in.  Otherwise, we can never deposit into others because we are not getting filled ourselves. 

God desires that we be filled to overflowing with His Spirit, with His love, peace, grace, and joy.  Are you filled with the riches of heaven today?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

We Are the Church

"Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. We are carefully joined together in him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord." -Ephesians 2:20-21

It seems there is a lot of confusion today about what is the church and what isn't. Often we get confused about the church building where we meet versus the people within the building.  But when Jesus references the church in the New Testament, He is referring to the body of believers, His disciples, that believed in Him and the power of the resurrection.

A man I know had a life-threatening disease at the age of 17.  Someone learned about it, and came to pray for him. The doctors said he had only months to live.  But, when the man came to lay hands on him and pray for him, miraculously, he was healed!  He became a Christian as a result of this miraculous healing.

Today, this man is alive and well and has lived far beyond the 17 years the doctors said he would live.  He has a family, a great career
, and if ever God asks him to pray for someone else’s healing, he cannot help but pray for them.

We live in the midst of a hurting world, filled with people who don’t have any hope. Most of them will never set foot inside of a church building, and the only Jesus they will ever see is us.  Isn't it time we rise up and BE the church God has called us to be?  We are not a building - we are a body of people who believe that Christ died for our sins and rose up on the third day.  Of the 40 miracles in the book of Acts, 39 were in the marketplace.

Are you a part of this body of believers, the church?  Let God's holy Spirit flow through you today, so that you can be the true representation of Jesus that the world so desperately needs to see

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Culture of Honor

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." -Romans 12:10

I love seeing how Asian cultures treat their elders. Honor in their culture is a big part of respecting someone who has lived life longer than you, (and hopefully has more wisdom, too!)  Honor is also a trademark of military life.  Honor is very much a kingdom idea.

In our American culture, honor is rare, while idolatry is rampant. 
It is very fitting to honor people for their achievements and service. But in everyday life, we should learn to honor people wherever we are. Honor isn't conditional; rather we honor people because they are God's creation, created for a specific purpose in Him.  Honor brings out the best in people. 

Bill Johnson, 3rd generation minister and Senior Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding California says, "Leaders who want a culture of honor so they'll be treated better miss the point. Honor is the atmosphere in which the people of God become their best."

We realize as we honor others that we receive honor in return.  If we learn to honor even the smallest person, we’ve recognized what it means to be great in God’s kingdom. Above all, honoring God and putting Him first is the best way to walk in humility in Him. 

I attended a friend of mine’s funeral who had served in the military.  What a gut-wrenching service it was! It was amazing to me how much honor was given that day. When we got to the point in the service when the flag was folded and given to his family, everyone was in tears. They really honored his life that day.  

How can you honor someone today? 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Work Behind the Scenes

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." -Matthew 6:5&6
J. John, a gifted and creative Christian speaker told a story once about preparing the way for a sermon he was going to preach. He felt the Lord impress upon him to pray fervently the night before the meeting. In the morning, as he began to think about what he would share, the Lord told him, "The work is already done." 

"How could the work already have been done?" he asked God. But as he got up to speak, he only needed to speak several words that the Holy Spirit had impressed upon his heart, and the entire place was completely overtaken by the power of the Holy Spirit. Because he had been obedient in prayer in the secret place, God moved mightily in the meeting, with many coming to repentance that day. 

Banning Liebscher, a youth preacher for Bethel Church and Jesus Culture music, describes the importance of meeting with God in the "secret place": 

"The first call on our life is to be with Jesus. The foundation of a leader is intimacy. It is the 'secret place' lifestyle. You're called to give yourself to a life of prayer; to a secret place lifestyle that no one else knows about... What you put in at the beginning greatly impacts what comes out at the end." 

Sharon Gerlach, intercessor for Divine Exchanges prayer ministries describes this phenomena as being like an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg is the ministry we see. But the other 80-90% of the iceberg, the part beneath the surface, is the spiritual work in prayer that makes a big difference. 

Are you engaging in your worship, prayer, reading God's word, and building your relationship with Him behind the scenes? This is the first call on our lives. The quality of everything else in our lives rests on this. We need to be sure we are building our relationship with Him in the secret place, so that we might have maximum impact in the world.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Whatever You Do, Do It The Best

"...equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Hebrews 13:21

Seth Goddin, the well-known marketing guru, wrote a book called, "The Dip." In it he describes the natural lull we experience after beginning a project, changing a habit, or beginning something new. He examines the difference between "the dip", and something that is not worth pursuing. His recommendation is if you're not the best at something, quit while you're ahead, and find something in which you can excel!
This is good advice. Think about it: No body looks for a product or service that's mediocre, no matter what they need. If you're looking for a dentist, you're more than likely going to choose the best one, as long as they're affordable. Either people are looking for the best price, or they're looking for best value. You don't want to be a company that's mediocre.
On a personal level, I tend to have the belief that God has given each of us at least one thing that we're good at. Everyone has a gift. Maybe it's not something we view as conventional. We are continually in pursuit of discovering those gifts and talents. Sometimes the cultivation of these talents takes a long time. But the sometimes the best gifts and talents are like bottles of wine - they may take a long time to develop. But when they are ready, they are nearly flawless.
Whatever you do, do it the best. You may not be perfect, but it means you put forth your best effort. Best does not mean perfect. Excellence does not mean flawless. It means "of the highest quality or standard, or of the most excellent type." (Encarta World English Dictionary.) And excellence is something God blesses.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Avoiding Judgments

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned.” -Luke 6:37

Have you ever felt judged?  It’s not the best feeling. Sometimes, with even the best of intentions, we fall short in being Christ-like in this area.  We feel we have a right to proclaim God’s justice to the world, and to other believers. The world already tends to think of Christians as judgmental - but we are supposed to be known for Christ’s love, healing, and grace. How sad!

Mother Teresa once said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”  The even more dangerous part of this is that we open ourselves up to judgment if we aren’t careful – the enemy has a legal right to us if we’ve judged others. Once we make these types of accusations, even in our minds, we are left open to attack. We are found to have holes in our spiritual armor.

“Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?”  -Romans 2:4

When we are tempted to judge, we should instead go to a place of prayer and blessing.  When we are tempted to point out a wrong over a point of disagreement, we should instead find points of encouragement. Encouragement promotes possibility and potential, while judgment finds places of wrongdoing and shame.  In a culture that is saturated with fear and shame, judgment often makes us focus on "not messing up" versus the new opportunity in Jesus to begin again. "But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking it’s stupid."  -Albert Einstein

The Bible says that people are drawn by God’s goodness. (Rom 2:4) Are there any judgments in your heart that could keep you from ministering the goodness of His gospel? This is often the greatest blockage for God to use us – judgments against unbelievers, ourselves, or other believers.  All of us are guilty of judgment – but when we do, are we able to see it and repent?  I pray that we will all be sensitive to judgment so that God can use each of us mightily in His kingdom.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Walking with a Limp

"Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me--to keep me from exalting myself!" -Paul, 2 Cor. 12:7

I love Hugh Laurie's character in the hit TV series "House". In fact, I haven't met anyone yet who doesn't like him. It makes no sense. He's downright mean. No tact. Sarcastic. Everything a girl despises. Yet, he's smart, witty, funny, and he almost always figures out a solution, no matter how intense the situation.
I received a prophecy recently from someone who said, "The things that you've been walking through over the past few months are the very things that are going to bring you into the destiny that God has for you."
How in the world could the things that torment me bring me into the promises of God?
You see, when House got his limp it was because a doctor had mis-diagnosed him. From that point forward, he was determined to not let it happened to anyone else. His limp actually helped him walk into his destiny.
It is our circumstances that shape and form us into who God has destined for us to be.
How will you respond? Let His power and love shine through the holes in your heart, and have the tenacity to pursue your passion with everything you've been given.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Spiritual Tact

"Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." -Titus 2:6-8

Have you ever been around someone who believed slightly different than you? Every day we encounter those with different beliefs that us.

In an age where the idea of relativity and absolutes co-exist, it is essential that we speak other people's language. If we act in an inflexible or graceless manner, we can easily turn people off to the gospel. Likewise, we cannot speak "Christianese" and expect other people to understand what we mean.  

Rather, if we use discernment and ask the Holy Spirit what the person needs, there is a far greater likelihood we will speak their language and meet their need, even if the door is not fully open to share the message of Jesus.

I met with a lady one day who expressed that her gifts were a bit out of the norm.  She had learned to temper her gifts (the spiritual fruit of self-control), so that people could effectively receive what she was communicating.  We must remember it isn’t about our gifts and talents - it is about what God wants to say to His beloved creation, in a manner in which they can receive it.

There is a time for speaking boldly; there is a time to stand up for the truth.  But, in order to model the love of Jesus, we always need to ask ourselves, "Will my actions draw people toward Him, or will they repel them from Him?" 

If we can answer that our actions will draw people closer to their heavenly Father, then we are  truly putting His kingdom first.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Not My Will, But Yours Be Done

"He walked away, about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, 'Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.' Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him." -Luke 22:41-43

Have you ever prayed the prayer above? Have you ever said to God, "Not my will Father, but yours be done"? What an amazing statement by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It may seem like quite a dangerous statement. Do we really trust God enough to completely give our lives over to Him? Are we really willing to do anything? However, I would argue that it is even more dangerous to get to the end of our lives, stand before God, and fail to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant..."

When we first accept Jesus as our Savior, we entrust our spiritual well-being and the destination of our soul to Him. Then, we progressively begin to understand what it means to live out the words, "not my will, Father, but yours be done."

Even though Jesus was Lord over the universe, He still deferred His authority to His Father, God - God of all creation. And through Jesus' willingness, God was able to accomplish something miraculous through Him. His death... His resurrection. He completely changed the world.

Have you ever prayed that prayer, "Not my will, but Yours be done?" I wonder how the world could be changed by our willingness to do anything, to be whatever God needed us to be. Will you have the faith and courage to pray it today? 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Focusing on the Negative Brings No Return

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."-Phillipians 4:8 & 9

Jesus asks us in Matthew 6:27, "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"  We know the answer is "no", but so often we get caught up in the drama or the negative in life and forget this one thing: in the grand scheme of things, love is all that will remain.

When people or things bother us, such as workmates, politics, family, friends, institutions, policies, and schools, what should we do?  Certainly if it's in our power to change something for the better, we should. But if it isn't, what should we do? 

Some things we just need to let go of. Some issues require that we deal with them, lovingly. (Matthew 18) But when Paul said he had peace that surpassed all understanding, he meant it. (Phil 4:7) He was able to have peace - when arguing for the sake of Christ, when in prison, when facing trials - all because of the grace of God in his life. 

"I would not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum."  -Frances Willard  

We have such a limited time on this earth. Isn’t it most important to focus on the positive instead of the negative - to provide solutions instead of making the problem our focus?  It's true that what we focus on, we get. But, each and every day, we can invest what little time we have into making someone else's life just a little bit better. 

I hope this is our goal. Focusing on the positive and providing solutions to problems brings a much greater return.  Don't get stuck on the negative, and it won't get stuck on you!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Overcoming Fear

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." -1 John 4:18

Have you ever experienced 'perfect love'? Have you ever been in a church service or witnessed a sunrise where you felt completely saturated by God's love? I hope you have. We can do amazing things through the power of His love.

We live in a world filled with fear, doubt, and uncertainty.  If we live in fear, life becomes a game of avoiding the next mouse trap, versus faithfully taking hold of the opportunities God has for us. God wants us to live full, abundant, faith-filled lives. (John 10:10) Does this type of life describe you right now?

If we've ever been burned, it can be hard to take risks. If our parents weren't there for us when we were growing up, we naturally assume that God is that way. If love is absent, fear manifests. If light is absent, darkness is there instead.  Fears of the economy, money, politics, and health can have us ever more concerned with the cares of this world, versus focusing on the One who can bring the answer. 

But, imagine if we could live in those mountaintop moments all the time- moments where we really feel God's love, so we can take hold of all that He has for us. Well, we can!  God invites us to live in His presence, all the time. As His earthly temples, we are His dwelling place. (1 Cor 6:19) Often we just need to remind ourselves, and hang out with God - in worship, in prayer, in fellowship with others - so that in our fellowship with His Spirit can be made manifest in our lives - all the time.

Do you live in fear? If so, ask Him to help you. He can remove those barriers between us and Him through worship, prayer, repentance, and the power of His word.

"Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever." -Psalm 136:2

Monday, May 20, 2013

All Things Work For Good

"Everything works out for good, to those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose." -Romans 8:28

If there is any scripture that I could claim as my own, I think it would be Romans 8:28. There have been so many things in my life that should have gone better, but then went sour, many by my own doing. But God is such a faithful God. He took the bad things in my life and turned them into good. Isn't that awesome? A God who turns bad things into good - He's a God who has the ability to perform miracles, like turning water into wine.
In the New Testament, Jesus was at a wedding at Capernum. They must have had some great parties back then, because this wedding was to last for three days! The "wedding planner", as we'll call him, realized he was going to run out of wine. Jesus was called in to help. But up to this point, Jesus had not worked any miracles. Nevertheless, his mother exhorted Him to help. She believed in Him, that He was the Messiah, and she knew that He would perform miracles.
Jesus' mother said, "Do whatever He tells you to do." Jesus instructed the servants to fill barrels with water. It must have been a scene back then, filling these big barrels with water all the way from the well. But finally, all of them were filled. And do you know what happened? The water was turned into the most delicious wine the people had ever tasted.
Today it is the same with us. We are the barrels of water that get turned into wine. In the Old Testament water was a symbol of life, and wine was a symbol of joy. When we have faith in God, God is able to transform our lives - transform our lives from ordinary to extraordinary - even joy!
Have you given your life to God? Perhaps you believe, but you've never given Him your life. He does more with our lives than we can ever fathom. And we receive joy to boot. Ask Him to take control of your life and do incredible things with it. You will not regret it if you do.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

All Work Is Holy

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering." -Romans 12:1 MSG

Have you ever thought of your work as holy? Have you ever considered that Jesus spent the first 30 years of his life as a carpenter, and only his last three in what we'd call "full-time ministry"? We tend to think of a pastor's or missionary's work as more holy than an entertainer's, a sales person's, and certainly a lawyer's. But is this really true? When Jesus came to the earth, didn't He come to reclaim all that was lost in the garden? (Luke 10:19) I believe that He did!

We have a problem in our faith when we don't think what we're doing right now is ministry to God, and to others. When we view our work as not as important as a pastor's or ministry leader's, this sets us up for failure in being a part of God's kingdom. We are the church, we are Jesus' body, we are all representatives of the gospel - why should a title, career path or job description limit us from this Holy calling? It's all in our perception. We are more likely to settle for mediocre when we don't see everything we do as a calling from God, as an offering to Him.

Imagine for a moment you have a friend named Jane, and Jane is frustrated about her life because she is a secretary, and not a missionary like one of her friends. "I'm not really serving God!" she might say, even though she does enjoy her job. Her workmates see her as a nice girl but wouldn't call her joyful. Her joy in God doesn't show because she thinks of her work as "less holy" than her friend's. She can't speak life into the lives of others because she is clouded by her frustration. People won't ask her about her beliefs because she doesn't know how to let her light shine. When our work becomes nothing more than a means to money, it becomes devoid of purpose. In reality, every encounter we have with others is an opportunity to let God's light shine through us, and to love them like He does - even if it's difficult at times.

There is something to be said for doing work that aligns with your gift mix and moving toward God's ultimate call on your life, whether that is to be a pastor, businessperson, movie director, hairstylist, or whatever. But, even when it doesn't, and even when we are dealing with difficult co-workers, bosses, and clients, aren't we still working for God, and not for man? (Colossians 3:23-24)

Do you see your work as holy? Ask God how you should view your work. Everyone's work - no matter who you are or what you do - has immense value in God's kingdom!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Friendships Are Important

"At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." Matthew 22:30

It's important to have an eternal perspective on life, as well as a short-term one. When we're young, there's a lot going on. Some of the things we experience are rather confusing, especially concerning careers, callings, and, specifically, life partners.
Relationships, (or the lack thereof), can be a source of heartache and pain or the greatest joy and blessing - i.e., someone likes someone else who doesn't quite like them, someone is with someone else who is not the best match for them, someone breaks someone else's heart, or perhaps Jack and Jill are the perfect match, etc. I've heard older people say your twenties are your more difficult years; I think it's partly due to the fact that all this relationship mess is going on.
"Overlook an offense and bond a friendship..." Proverbs 17:9a
But with whatever happens, it is most important to keep our friendships intact. We will not be married in heaven. So why should we make the pursuit of marriage an idol? God is going to put the right person in our lives at the right time if that is His plan for us. The key is to trust Him. Being single is awesome, and marriage is great too. But we shouldn't let the possession of one or the absence of another rob us of our joy or faith in God. When it does, we've allowed it to become an idol to us. The foundation to all great relationships is, of course, friendship. And living the best life we can possibly live begins with friendship with God.
Be happy, enjoy your life, whether single or married. And, especially, build long lasting relationships with others. This is most important. "For the whole Law is complied with in the one precept, 'you shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" Gal 5:14

Friday, May 17, 2013

The God Who Provides

"Abraham called the name of that place The LORD Will Provide, as it is said to this day, 'In the mount of the LORD it will be provided.'" -Genesis 22:14

When I was 19, two years into my journey with God, I was desperately seeking for answers. I was overweight, I felt worthless, even after my re-commitment to God I still didn't know what was wrong with me. I decided to go on a fast not really knowing how long it would be. I knew I needed breakthrough - in every area of my life. The fast ended up being 40 days. During this time God really challenged me, healed my heart and strengthened my faith in Him.
My mom had been praying for a new car for me since my car was on the brink, and near the end of its little life. About 20 days into my fast, a friend of my dad's called and offered them a great deal on a newer car that was just a few years old. I came down during breakfast time and my step mom told me about the car. I thought they were looking to buy the car for her, so I said, "Are you guys going to buy it?" She said, "We were actually thinking of the car for you!"
I was flabbergasted. I had never considered having something so nice! But I was determined not to get hopeful. I had experienced so much disappointment that I didn't know how to receive blessings from God. And I didn't feel worthy. So, with reservation I went to look at the car.
When we arrived the man who owned it gave me the keys and told me to take it for a spin. "Oh no," I thought, "I'm not going to get attached..." I told myself. I took it for a test drive with my dad in the front seat, and it was awesome. I love music, and that stereo system was swank! It had a sunroof too, and real power windows and locks!
When we were almost back from our short drive when my dad asked me to stop the car to talk about how we were going to make the money work. He offered me a suggestion that I hadn't thought about before, and was willing to work with me on it. I couldn't believe it. It seemed as though everything happened in the twinkle of an eye.
That day, I drove up to visit my mom in the mountains, tears streaming down my face, knowing God had given me a special gift. I thought of the scripture in Matthew 7:11, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" I knew God had provided my car.
Do you know God as the God who provides? If you need something from Him, step out in faith. Often this step of faith shows God that we trust Him, and He can in turn entrust us with more.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hiding Place

"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." -Psalm 32:7

We used to sing a song at church called "hiding place".  "You are my hiding, you are my hiding place..." It was a catchy praise tune, but it was also a great reminder of where we put our trust. 

Life can be harsh sometimes. When we're going through difficulty or we're experiencing rejection, hurt or betrayal, it's especially essential that God becomes our habitation.

From what place do you live your life? Is your heart hidden in God, or do you put your heart out there, unprotected, for all the world to see?

There is a great quote for all the single ladies... "A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find her."

During David's "pit" phase when Saul was trying to kill him, he wrote many Psalms to comfort and remind himself that His fate and his heart was in the hands of God.

There will be times in our lives where we feel disappointed, hurt, and vulnerable. But it is during those times that God is teaching us to find our habitation and our protection in Him. When we truly find our identity in the "hiding place" of our God, there is nothing in this world that can shake us. 

Is God your hiding place?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

God Uses a Reject

"Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty warrior. His father was Gilead; his mother was a prostitute." -Judges 11:1

There is an incredible story in the Bible about a very unlikely leader.

Jephthah was a man who was the illegitimate son of his father Gilead.  His brothers drove him away and said to Jephthah, “You are not going to get any inheritance in our family, because you are the son of another woman.”

Rejected and humiliated, Jephthah fled from his family to a place called Tob.

During this time, Israel has been unfaithful to God, worshipping other idols. At this the Lord became angry, and he sold them to their enemies the Philistines and the Ammonites.  (10:7)  However, after 18 years of oppression, the Israelites cried out to God to save them, got rid of their idols and repented. Judges 10:16 says, "And (God) could bear Israel’s misery no longer."

Eventually, the Ammonites were engaged in a war against Israel. The elders of Gilead went to Jephthah and asked him to be their commander.

Initially he asked them why they were coming to him after they he had been exiled.  But because they insisted, and offered him full rulership of Gilead, he accepted the challenge (11:8).  God gave their enemies over to Jephthah, and he won the war. "Jephthah went over to fight the Ammonites, and the Lord gave them into his hands." (11:32)

Have you ever felt like you were the unlucky one, like God couldn't use you due to things that have happened in your life?  Know that He is preparing a way for you - in spite of your circumstances - to turn rejection into purpose, hardship into hope, and disgrace into His glory.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Living Under Authority

"Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit." -Hebrews 13:17
We rarely like hearing about the words "submission", "obedience", and "authority." Mainly perhaps, because they have often been abused by people in positions of power. But, possibly also because each of us struggles with being under authority. It goes against our very nature to follow someone else and serve. However, this is one of the primary ways the kingdom advances. 

Jesus was an incredible example of someone who lived under authority. The Bible says He only did what He saw His Father doing. (John 5:19) Some other examples of living under authority are Joseph and Pharaoh, Joshua and Moses, Samuel and Eli, and Elisha and Elijah. If we are married, we are called to "submit to one another" in honor, with the husband being the primary one responsible for the well-being of his family. We also live under the authority of our national and local governments. (Rom 13:1-5) 

The challenge with living under authority is that no leader is perfect. But, even so, God can work His perfect will in our lives by living under the wing of a leader who is imperfectly human. This is not to say we blindly follow someone just for the shear fact of this principle, but we generally respect and do what is asked of a proven leader with integrity. 

Simon McIntyre in his book Follow the Leader states, "I am convinced that many a destiny has been short circuited by an inability to hold the line under pressure. We interpret pressure as a reason to flee, whereas great followers like Joseph allow it to change them into the kind of people who can bear the load of fulfilled dreams." 

Do you live under authority? If you have trouble with this, ask God to help you with it today. We can trust Him by submitting to His leadership for our lives.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Right Place, Right Time

"If I were in your shoes, I'd go straight to God, I'd throw myself on the mercy of God. After all, he's famous for great and unexpected acts; there's no end to his surprises." Job 5:8, The Message Translation

Every so often in our Christian walk we will find ourselves in scenarios we were meant for. Call it what you will - divine appointments, destined moments, fate - it just means we were right within God's plan for that moment in time.
Often these moments are unexpected. You are doing something totally normal, or maybe totally out of the ordinary. No matter, God uses these moments for His glory to let His light shine. This is why it is so important to seek God moment to moment, not relying on yesterday's revelation, or getting stuck in "task" mode for tomorrow. Revelation is moment to moment. So is the Spirit of God. Just like God, we too need to live our lives open to the moment.
There have been many times in my life where I've had these moments, or been faced with the consequences of not living out that moment. I remember one time where I was sitting in church with a friend of mine and I felt like God was talking to the man near us. I walked over to him and said, "I don't know if this means anything to you or not, but I felt impressed to tell you this scripture..."
I'm guessing the scripture spoke directly to him, because he thanked me profusely and walked out of church with a huge grin on his face.
Don't think that God can't use you in your everyday life. It's often these very moments that make life worth living.
Have you ever been at the right place at the right time?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Changed Into A Different Person

“The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them, and you will be changed into a different person.” -1 Sam 10:6

One of the most commonly asked questions by non-believers of Christians is, “What makes you different?”  Clearly, there is a perception problem in the Christian faith if people are asking this question.  Not many people view us differently, nor do they see changes in our lives as a result of our faith. 

In the "Hypocritical" chapter of the book UnChristian, a survey proved this fact.  Eighty-four percent of those polled said they knew a Christian personally, while only 15% said they saw lifestyle differences.  Wow!  This figure sadly coincides with the just 20% of us who say we have a Biblical worldview. 

How is this ever going to change?  Firstly, do we want it to change?  I believe many of us are content to live pseudo-Christian lives that are safe, that don’t require anything of us except a “yes” and “amen”. That’s the easy part.  We can let ourselves become preoccupied with the culture around us, keeping us in a surface Christianity and content with the status quo, a gospel that requires nothing more from us than attendance at church on Sunday.  But the cry of God’s heart is that He wants so much more.  He desires we know Him personally, and that we be filled with His Spirit, so that we can be active pursuers of the assignment He has in mind for us.  We need a hunger for God that is insatiable, as He is our healer, and the true fulfiller of our hopes and dreams.

Saul was busy living his life when the Israelites requested a king.  God chose him for this very purpose.  And when he responded, God filled him with His Spirit to accomplish the work at hand.  Saul was changed into a different person.

Is there a call of God you need to respond to?  Perhaps you need to seek the true face of God, versus just the formula for salvation.  He gives us greater things than we could ever imagine when we have a heart to seek after Him.  

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Janitor

"But the greatest among you shall be your servant." [Matt 20:26]

My boss once told me a story about a janitor who worked for a very large corporation. He was cleaning nearby as an important board meeting was going on. The board executives were discussing a very critical issue for which no one had a solution. The janitor overheard them and said, "I think I know the answer to your problem," and went on to explain. The board members were shocked, to say the least. But because they had no other alternative, they went ahead with the janitor's advice. Their decision resulted in the problem being solved, and thousands in profit for the company. The man was elevated and invited onto the leadership board.
The story above illustrates the concept of servant leadership. Jesus came in the form of a human man to save the world, but through perfect love and servanthood saved the world from sin and death.
If you've seen The Lord of the Rings, you know that Frodo Baggins was the smallest person, the most unlikely to bear the burden of carrying the Ring of Power. The most unexpected person, the "weakest link", could be the strongest person in the team. We should not underestimate our teammates. Everyone has something to offer, even the person who looks like the weakest link.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The "Try" Factor

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Matthew 25:23

What is the difference between someone who is progressing in their faith and life and someone who is just getting by?  What do you think will be the difference between Jesus saying “well done, good and faithful servant,” and “not so much” when we get to heaven?  I believe it is the “try” factor. 

There is certainly a difference between “progression” and “regression” in the kingdom of God and in our lives.  If we aren’t moving forward, the world keeps turning, so by default we’ll be moving backward.  If we’re stuck in old mentalities or old ways of thinking, it isn’t likely we’ll be able to fulfill God’s calling on our lives.  Many times fear and unforgiveness can limit us from fulfilling our purpose.  Regret is living in unforgiveness toward ourselves, which can hinder us much more than any outside person or circumstance. 

God doesn’t expect us to be right all the time or to be perfect – so what’s the defining mark?  Our ending “grade” in the kingdom doesn’t necessarily amount to how many souls we got saved or our attendance record at church.  It has to do with being open to God’s leading and “doing the good works your Father prepared in advance for you to do.” (Eph 2:10) The defining factor is trying, not giving up, being hopeful in the face of hopelessness, remaining in faith when the circumstances are dim, and staying pure when the temptations are great.  When we at least “try” to do God's will with an intent to serve Him, there’s no way we can fail, no matter the outcome.

Are you stuck in any ruts?  Pray today and ask God what you can “try” today.  Maybe it’s picking up the Bible again.  Maybe it’s having a more active prayer life.  Perhaps it’s trying something again a different way or trying something else entirely.  Make sure you don’t stay stagnant.  God is always moving – where is He in your life today?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Seasons of Grace

"Although I am less than the least of all the Lord's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things." -Ephesians 3:8&9
Have you ever felt God's grace in your life? Conversely, have you ever felt when God's grace is not quite present with you? I know there are certain places I am not supposed to be, and things I am not supposed to do - partly because I do not feel God's grace on those activities! But in other surprising areas I do feel His grace... and am able to move in them freely. 

Grace is the unmerited favor of God. It is by grace and through faith we are saved. (Ephesians 2:8) But after our salvation, God gives us grace to do the things He has called us to. However, we shouldn't use grace to do what we want. (Romans 6:1) Rather, we use grace to help us do what He wants. (1 Cor 15:10) 

In life, we might've noticed when grace has seemed to "run out" at a job or at something we knew we were initially supposed to do. Although God's grace never runs out for us to turn to Him or serve Him, we realize as we walk more and more with Him that He anoints us to do different things, during different seasons. When the season ends, we need to be sensitive and obedient to move to the next place. Otherwise, we will find ourselves stifled and dry, wondering why we feel frustrated. 

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." -1 Peter 4:10
As Moses and the Israelites followed the cloud around in the wilderness, they learned trust, and how to walk in step with God. Are you walking in step with God's grace? Let us pray for God's grace, so that His grace and anointing will be with us during every season.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Imitate Me"

“Therefore I urge you to imitate me.” -1 Corinthians 4:16

Do you imitate others?

As we live our lives, we may not think we’re imitating anyone;  we may think we are marching to the beat of our own drum. But the truth is, we are imitating someone.

From advertisements to TV, to school to music, to our parents and relatives, everybody is telling us something. They tell us how to live, what kind of clothes to buy, what kind of food to eat; what to believe. Just the millions of song covers on YouTube will tell us we love to imitate those we admire.  But, are we imitating the right people that will get us closer to the plans of God for our lives?

Paul admonishes the Corinthians to “imitate him.” Why? Because he knew he was their example for how to live as a Christian. In the following verse he tells them he is sending his “spiritual son” Timothy as a reminder and example for how to live life as an authentic follower of Jesus.

It’s been said, who we hang around is who we become. Jim Rohn, who was an entrepreneur and motivational speaker said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”  Are we being intentional about who we are imitating and hanging around?

In order to become all that God intends us to be, we need to find people to imitate, who have the fruit in their lives that we want.  A fruit is a RESULT.  Meeting with someone who has been married 5 times for marriage advice probably isn’t the best idea. Conversely, attending a training from someone who has their own successful business when you want your own is!  We need to be intentional.

What do you want to accomplish in life? Do you have an idea about what you are gifted in or passionate about? Find people who have what you want and do what they do.  This is the quickest way to find out how to be where you want to be - to learn from others who have both the experience, and the fruit. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

In Perfect Peace

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." -Isaiah 26:3
What is it like to live in perfect peace? In the world we live in, many people live with lots of fear. Depending on what is going on in the world and in our lives, and where we have placed our trust, this can increase or decrease our fear. 

But Jesus didn't want us to live as slaves to the world. Instead, He wanted us to live as "slaves" to the kingdom, which means a different thing entirely. It means we are obedient to His will, which produces the fruits of peace, love, and joy in our lives. (Among many other things.) 

There have been times in my life where I've feared certain events or circumstances. But it Hebrews it says, "all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain." (12:27) This means that the things we fear in this life are temporary, (will be shaken and removed) while the things of God are eternal. If we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, we don't even need to fear death - we know where we are going when we die! 

Other versions of the verse above say "You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (NLT), and "because he remains in you." (ISV) the truth is, if we keep our minds fixed on God, we can walk in perfect peace, because we trust in Him.

Are you able to fix your thoughts on Him today, in order to live in perfect peace? "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Phil 4:7

Monday, May 6, 2013

Kisses From Heaven

"So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him." Luke 15:20

As 4th and 5th grade Sunday school facilitators, we did a participation exercise with our kids where we had a dancing contest. The winners were chosen not because they were the best dancers, but because they participated, and gave it everything they had. We gave out Hershey's kisses at the end of the contest.
The following week I explained the reason for the kisses. When we step out in faith as God's children, He meets us with kisses from Heaven. Sometimes these 'kisses' are not seen. Sometimes we may not be aware of God's love in the moment. Sometimes these kisses might be felt in worship, but other times they are not. They can happen through the thoughtfulness of a friend, a sunrise, or in quiet meditation. But no matter how they are felt, the point is that God wants to show us that He loves us, regardless of our state or circumstance.
There was a time when I would wake up very early. Early for me was about 7am because I am a bit of a night owl! But on these early mornings I would awake to the most beautiful sunrise. The first day it was ice pink, the next was deep reddish orange, the next was taffy orange, and the next was rose pink. The sunrises were beautiful. I felt God's presence wake me with each one.
God can show us He loves us in any way He chooses. But we need to recognize His kisses so we can know how much He loves us. Without this knowledge, we are orphans without a cause.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Made in His Image

“Then God said, “Let Us make mankind in Our image, in Our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Gen 1:26

“Red, yellow, black and white, we’re all precious in His sight… “

Every time I go to the mall, I am struck with how different each of us is.  Some short, some tall, some big, some small – we have different personalities, characteristics, likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams.  Each of our differences makes up a wonderful world where each of us was born unique – and born to do something special. Imagine if we looked the same or each did the same thing – how boring life would be!  And nothing in the world would get accomplished because nothing ingenious would be done.

Problems come in when we start comparing ourselves to others, or, we don’t see the value in our traits.  We may not look like the supermodel off the cover of Vogue, or we may not look like our favorite sports star.  No matter, God has fashioned us.  Every bit of us. He made us for a unique purpose in Him.

I am drawn to the example of Nick Vujicic.  Here is a man who was born without limbs.  “How cruel must God be?!” you might say.  But Nick doesn’t think so.  He blesses God for the opportunity to share his witness as he ministers to the thousands with the message, “There is no obstacle too big that you can’t overcome.”  Although doing daily tasks such as brushing his teeth and taking a shower require immense effort, Nick has found solutions to these deficiencies and obstacles brought on by his lack of limbs.  Some days it was difficult, yes, but even through that he managed to thank God for his life and remember that He would use him for His glory. 

Do you know you are wonderfully made?  If you lack in self-confidence, remember that God has fashioned you for a unique purpose.  There is no shame in how God has made us.  He loves us each the same.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Character vs. Gifts

"You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:48

When I first joined my church, I was struck by the fact that they didn't care what I did. Don't get me wrong, living righteously and doing things with excellence was definitely a part of the church mentality. But it was more an issue of heart than how well I could perform. If you weren't as great at something, well... "let's just move you to serve over here instead, shall we?" was their philosophy.
But through the process I realized that a lot of my self-esteem had been built on how well I could accomplish something -- it had been built on my gifts. This resulted in a weaker confidence in who I was as a person, because often, I was mediocre at a lot of things. As I continued to hang around people who encouraged me to be the person I was, the person I was becoming in God, all of those petty insecurities began to melt away. It didn't mean that I wouldn't encounter setbacks, difficulties, and pains, but it meant that I was toughening up on the inside, so God could do a greater work on the outside.
Many times we believe that people only love or accept us for what we can do versus our value as a person. In the world, this is true. But in the kingdom, this is a false pretense. "For God so loved the world..." He is no respecter of persons. We are saved by grace, through faith. Sometimes we can live on the other extreme where works are not important, or works without excellence are not as vital. But it begins with the heart. It begins with love.
God calls us to do things with excellence. But He is also about bringing us closer to the person he intended us to be: free from worry, shame, doubt, fear, oppression, anger, and all the things we struggle with in our humanity. It doesn't mean that we won't experience those things. But it begins operating from the heart, from our character, and this sets the tone for everything else that we do.
Who are you? What kind of person has God made you to be? Let God encourage you in your character today.