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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bug Lights

"For the LORD your God is a consuming fire..." -Deut 4:24

We were at the worship concert, singing and worshipping God.  The Spirit was very alive in the meeting, and I could feel the "fire" of God all around us.  I felt consumed with the power and presence of God. 

Then I had this thought: Life's circumstances and the negative things that happen really don't matter at all as long as we're consumed with the fire of God.  If we are really on fire, all the time, everything negative gets burned up by Him!

It may sound silly, but I imagined myself as a "bug light", that when plugged in to the fire of God, consumed every negative circumstance, thought, or attitude before it was even allowed to get close to my heart.

This is what being "on fire for God" is all about.

We are made in God's image. As we become more and more like Him, the real Him, we begin displaying His characteristics: His mercy, His love, His grace, His truth, and most of all His life. Life in Him is about being alive - being truly alive.  And when we are alive, we burn for Him.

As we sang the words, "You set our hearts on fire... we are consumed by you," the analogy of being a "bug light" resonated - nothing else matters because the fire of God is within us.

Are you so on fire with the Presence of God that any negative thought, attitude, or behavior is "zapped" in your midst?  May we be on fire for Jesus, so that our main focus is Him, and Him alone.

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