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Friday, August 9, 2013

What the World Needs Now

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16
What does the world need now? We could brainstorm all day about what we think the world needs- less war, more peace, less poverty and certainly less problems. But how on earth can we solve all of them?

You've probably heard the above verse at one time or another, if not a hundred million times. But instead of reading the words "only begotten Son" I want you to imagine your name there. "For God so loved the world that he gave 'Mary', that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16

How does that sound to you now? It's a little daunting isn't it?

Now I don't want you to think I'm being sacrilegious here - Jesus was perfect and He paid the ultimate sacrifice. But what if we took the words "you will do greater things" (John 14:12) seriously? What if we really took Gods promises to heart and said, "I am God's chosen- the earth is mine, heaven is within reach, and hell is beneath my feet", what would happen then?

The truth is, you ARE what the world needs now. Your talents, your gifts, your abilities, your dreams - the things that make you alive, will in turn make the rest of the world alive. As you speak with the unique voice God has given you, people will turn their heads, because they will recognize the truth, an authentic voice who has discovered who it really is and it's true source; it's true north.

So whatever problem you are called to solve (the thing that perhaps agitates you the most or is your greatest passion) I pray you go out there and solve it. Whatever dream you have (that you can't stop thinking about) I pray that you go pursue it. Whatever obstacle you face (that keeps on getting in the way) I pray that you slay it. And by doing so, you will have liberated others to pursue the dreams that God has called them to pursue, too.

Don't get comfortable! Your life is waiting for you. What the world needs now is you.

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