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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Personal Worth

"Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they?" Matthew 6:26 

Sometimes in life we may feel undervalued, unappreciated, and understated. Things happen which make us think that other people don't care about us, and we do not feel valued us as a human being, employee, friend, son or daughter, or brother or sister. We take it upon ourselves to think that we are not worth enough to them whatever the circumstance may be. 

We sell ourselves short. We think we are not worth the effort, the money, the resolve, or the energy. We think somehow that by playing the miser or self-denier we will make our humanity right. That perhaps, in some way, we will justify ourselves to the world. That our reason for being will be, well? explained. 

But why do we keep on making excuses for ourselves? Why do we have to be explained? If God destined for us to enter this world, then surely there must be a reason for it. Jesus said, "If I care so much for sparrows, how much more do I care for you? The hairs on your head are numbered." (Matt 10:30) 

The fact is we are not worthy. We are not worthy of anything that is given to us. It is through His grace that we are made worthy. Worthy of our calling, worthy of His mercy, and worthy of His best for us, personally. We may mess up, yes. We may hurt others, yes. We may choose wrongly, yes. And others may hurt us, too. But at the end of the day, when all is said and done, when we've renounced our mistakes, and asked to start over, God is faithful to forgive us, see us as the children that we are, and love us no matter what. We are worth that much to him. 

You didn't have to do anything to be somebody. God has already made you a somebody. There is a great quote that says, "God didn't have one of you, and he wanted one of you, so he made one of you." Choose to believe that today.

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