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Monday, July 15, 2013

Being Under the Influence

"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance." -Acts 2:4
So what does it mean to be under the influence of the Holy Spirit? It doesn't have anything to do with drugs or alcohol. It means, in part, that we submit every thought, every action to God. When we get good at this, it happens without us even having to think about it. It means we have open ears, that we seek him continually. It means that we 'pray without ceasing', meaning, we never cease to be in an attitude of prayer. It means we read the word, and live by it. It means that we keep our attitudes in check, and we treat others with love and respect.
'Being under the influence' may seem like a hopeless list of to-do's. But, simply stated, it involves being gently led by the Holy Spirit, in freedom, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in. It is more caught than taught. I went to a Bible school where we learned to 'abide' in the Holy Spirit, in every area of our lives, and submit those areas to Him. It was more about learning to walk under the anointing of God then it was about basic book knowledge. We learned scripture, but we learned it with its physical application.
Are you under the influence? If you're having trouble 'catching' what that means, get around someone you know is influenced and led by the Holy Spirit. You will experience such new degrees of freedom and revelation than you ever imagined possible. And you will be able to do miraculous things because of it.

Do you feel and hear God? How would you describe how God works in your life? If you have a story or testimony of how God has worked in your life or the lives of those around you, send it to us! We'd love to hear from you - and you might even have a chance to have your story published! charis@marketplaceleaders.org

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